

Our vocation is to protect people, facilities and the environment endangered from fire. We reach high performances thanks to the quality of our processes which is supported by an outstanding attention to the ecosystems and the human health.

We keep the value of our business at high levels, working safely, under our HSE department direction, to guarantee the quality of our products, in line with an efficient management of social and environmental responsibility.

Our client’s needs have always been a priority to us, that is why we adopt a company management system oriented to the operative efficiency at any level and to the quality services and products delivery, throughout the implementation of the UNI EN ISO 9001 standards.

Our technological revolution has adopted eco efficient processes whose aim is to preserve and optimize the resources and to lower the costs, the emissions and the discharge operations. We follow a tough management of company procedures in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14001 environment standards and with UNI ISO 45001:2018 for the protection of human health.

We have always been social active on the territory, supporting many initiatives oriented to

spread as much as possible the consciousness about fire risk in the everyday life. We choose to get inspired and adhere to SA8000 standards to promote sustainable development, firmly opposing to any kind of discrimination, involving the local communities where we operate.

Our ambition is to reach the highest ethical standards.


We are members of GBC Italia, the largest international organisation of which the most competitive companies and the most qualified Italian associations and professional communities operating in the sustainable building segment are members. GBC Italia promotes a process of transformation of the Italian building market through the promotion of the third-party certification system and its own certification protocols (the GBC systems) expressly developed for the specificities of the Italian market, whose parameters establish precise criteria for the design and construction of healthy, energy-efficient buildings with low environmental impact.