Oil & Gas and Energy

Oil & Gas and Energy

The consequences of the breaking out of a fire in the Oil&Gas and Energy sector can be devastating. The collective memory is completely aware about it: a fire propagation can cause a true and proper catastrophe, with huge economic and human life losses and a dramatic impact on the environment.

Protect adequately from fire the highest risk areas and the most critical phases of this complex human activity is crucial for guaranteeing the regular business productivity. With the goal to safeguard structures and operators’ health and secure the client’s businesses, our avant-guard fire fighting solutions are engineered and manufactured for every phase of the Oil & Gas production process (upstream, midstream and downstream), including renewable energy industries. The project we realize in high risk structures are the result of: a scrupulous study on the case and an accurate analysis and risk assessment, our decades of experience on the field, conformity with the most rigorous international standards.

Fire protection of floating roof tanks

Rim Seal HFCI & Rim Seal F

Our industrial R&D department has developed brand new Rim seal fire fighting solution to protect the floating roof of oil tanks.

To meet the specific needs of our clients we engineer, manufacture and install two different configurations of Rim Seal fire suppression system: Rim seal F and Rim seal CF3I.

Our automatic Rim Seal systems are installed on the top of floating roof tanks to protect directly the area exposed to the highest fire risk, guaranteeing the fastest intervention.

To improve the power of our systems we have developed a new concept of advanced technology nozzle, ideal both for the gas and the water with additive systems.

The Rim Seal nozzle is able to protect a very extended area thanks to its characteristic arch shape with three self- cleaning and constant flow rate discharging points and to a double bulb detection system, capable of avoiding false alarms.

Rim seal CF3I is an automatic gas system using the CF3I as extinguishing agent.

This solution is available in two different configurations: wet type and pre-action type.

The wet solution uses the distribution circuit for the fire detection and the discharge of the extinguishing gas.

In the pre-action configuration, the system adopts an external fire detection modulus, requiring a double consent for releasing the gas.

Rim seal F is an automatic fire suppression system which uses as extinguishing agent a pressurized pre-mixture of water and the wetting agent FireFive® Encapsulator.

The system is engineered to discharge in a very short time (20 – 30 seconds) in order to guarantee an efficient and immediate intervention on the fire and avoid spreading.

The coverage of each unit is valid for 40 meters of seal circumference protection.

Our technologies for Oil & Gas and Energy applications: 

Our aim is to deliver a quality product which guarantees efficiency for all its life-cycle and assures to our clients the best performances in terms of productiveness and efficiency. Know more about our service activities.


  • Loading piers
  • Turbines
  • Diesel generators
  • Cable tunnels
  • Offices
  • Control rooms
  • Electrical substations
  • Electrical cabinet
  • Transformers
  • Engine rooms
  • Hydraulic stations
  • Loading platforms
  • LNG plant
  • Oil tanks
  • Warehouse of semi-finished and finished

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